Valeria Lipovetsky Part 5 - Page 8 (2025)

keywestsunbabe wrote:

Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:52 am

Vuurvlieg wrote:

Tue Feb 16, 2021 8:53 am

I don't think she would have had a boobjob if she was planning to have another baby...

Honestly I'm new to this topic and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who totally stopped watching her content.

At the very beginning (when she had not so many followers), I really liked her content though, especially the tips she had learned from her modelling experience and especially because - even though I'm obviously not as beautiful as her - I have the same "characteristics" (colour of hair, of eyes and pale skin) so her advice were very helpful to me to get inspired about fashion and makeup and to know certain colour combo would look good on me too. It was really interesting as well to hear her talk about her former job. To me, her path of life has also had some difficulties and is worth respect. I can't imagine changing of countries and life and everyday languages three times at a young age.

But since she started her "business" and "office"-related things... I find it so easy to try and give life lessons when you're living such a privileged life. Her lifestyle is too far away from mine. Until Youtube, her wealth and success came basically from her appearance and her husband. My theory is therefore that she created her channel in first place to prove that she was an interesting person apart from her appearance and her husband, with things to say and to share, to develop and complete her image with her personality (it must have been quite frustrating sometimes to be a model, here at least she could talk and develop her ideas). To sum it up, she was really genuine at the beginning so this worked pretty well, and then it was lost.

Because of the vlogs, I slowly stopped watching her videos, because I found them less and less interesting, which is a pity. The main problem to me remains the overexposure of her children. I honestly pity them. I don't know how all this people behave in real life/without a camera so I can't judge their whole educational project nor the quality of their relationship with their kids, but for sure showing their children in so many family and therefore private if not intimate situations is not a good thing. Can you imagine them, once older, watching their kid selves and knowing so many people have seen them? It will be so embarrassing for them. Even now, they must be conscious of certain things (some already pointed out Ben asking his mother to stop filming). Where is the consent? They can't consent to be that much exposed at such a young age. And Max is literally a Youtube baby. The whole project had turned into a sort of an annoying reality show. I wonder how this will evolve.

Why wouldn’t one get a boob job before pregnancy? Also, it may not be a boob job but hormone shots/supplements or something if she had trouble getting pregnant/had a miscarriage. And she might have had one because at one point she was looking pregnant and then it disappeared and she went through another personality crisis

Agreed with you on everything else. There will be trauma in the kids’ lives from all this, but I don’t think they care since they are VERY short term thinkers. They’re out for a quick buck it so obvious.
What busted her channel was her showing all the hard work it takes her to make one video and how many people it takes. I genuinely think that it turned everyone off. No one wants to watch how a YouTube strategizes to get more Adsense and sponsorships out of their views. Also, the clickbait titles give nothing away and I think YouTube has moved away from clicking on clickbait titles and the videos that clearly state what will be in the video do better (just watch her change it now that I said this - she reads this - I want credit you can Vemno me Val Valeria Lipovetsky Part 5 - Page 8 (1))

Lastly, her YouTube channel, etc is run basically by grandpa Gary. I think this move starting YouTube was a good idea for her and she was doing really well before he got involved. She should have stuck to her own stuff. Once he got involved it became so...weird. That’s why you don’t want old people working in “young” media - they don’t understand the audience no matter how many Balenciaga sweatshirts they have...

I'm not an expert in boob jobs haha, I just meant, if I ever wanted to do a boobjob and still wanted a child, I would probably wait until the pregnancies are over since I think the pregnancies keep modifying the breasts ? But I honestly don't know. If ever she's not pregnant, the theory of the miscarriage is quiet convincing - one of my friend had to abort a few years ago, and she has been keeping the breasts she had gained before doing so since then. I wonder if we'll ever know the truth about Valeria's potential boobjob - or maybe when she'll run short of content.

About Gary, I don't know how much he really gets involved in Valeria content as we can't guess the behind the scenes. I would think she's the one who insists to have him in her videos to display the whole "perfect family" and "perfect couple" thing, but I think it's maybe too easy to put most of the blame on Gary about the content of Valeria not being worth watching anymore.

To react to another comment I can't find, of course she had a career (including with her natural nose of course) on her own and didn't need Gary for anything, what I wanted to point out is that modelling is a job where everything is more or less based on your appearence, hence her will to express herself, to show that she can be not only beautiful but also intelligent, say interesting things and (which is most of the Youtubers' motto) help people with her advice - all this things getting obviously more and more under discussion.

Valeria Lipovetsky Part 5 - Page 8 (2025)


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